Friends of Imiliwaha are helping improve the quality of life in Imiliwaha, Tanzania through education and healthcare.
Friends of Imiliwaha (FOI), with guidance from Sisters Afra and Fausta, will support specific educational and related projects, like providing school supplies and teachers' materials. Education is key to help the children of Imiliwaha escape poverty and become productive citizens.
Get Connected
You can help with financial support, special projects, mission trips or by spreading the word.
Please consider donating through our secure donations portal. Financial support is directed to improving education and healthcare.
Prayer is welcome! Keep Sisters Afra, Beatrice and Fausta, the Sisters of Imiliwaha, and Friends of Imiliwaha in your prayers.
Service projects for groups of various sizes are welcomed! Contact Friends of Imiliwaha to collaborate.
Visit our FOI Facebook page and watch our videos. Let others know about the inspiring efforts to support the people of Imiliwaha.
Crawling across the dirt floor in her family’s 2-room shack in a tiny village outside Sumbawanga, Maria’s life seemed limited by the extent of her severe disabilities—malformed limbs, inability to speak—but this 13-year-old girl exudes much potential beyond her bedraggled appearance.